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Early Intervention - Birth-3 Years

The Early Intervention Program is a program for children under the age of 3 who are suspected or are at risk for developmental delays. EIP is funded by the NYS and NYC. Services are provided at no cost to parents. Eligibility for the program can be determined only by state-approved evaluators. Services must be authorized by the NYC Early Intervention Program.

To refer your child to the early intervention program please call 311, or contact:

Special Ed Preschool - Ages 3-5

Please note that the recommendation for center services as well as acceptance into our program is exclusively determined and contingent upon approval by your child’s CPSE (Committee on Preschool Special Education) administrator.

To schedule a tour/intake, please call:

Preschool Evaluations - Ages 3-5

To have your child referred for an evaluation, please contact:

The Eis Laasois School - 5 Years+

To schedule a tour/intake, please call:

Eis Laasois has a simple belief:

There are no limits to what a child can achieve. There are no limits to how far Eis Laasois will go to help each child do more than anyone thought possible.